Favorite quote:
”To thine own self be True”
“Fortune Favors the Bold”
Astrology, Tarot, Intuitive Development, Esoteric Studies, Magick and Intention Setting
Jessica uses the tarot & Astrology as one of many tools to help her to connect with people on a deeper soul level.
Her Intention is to provide her clients with greater insight into the complexities of their life. She is gifted with the ability to understand, penetrate, and transform virtually any situation into the rocket fuel that her clients can use to blast forward into the direction of their dreams. She believes all of what her clients need to succeed can be found within their own astrology chart.
It is her life goal to help guide each of her client’s fall back into alignment with the goals and ideals that they have for themselves. She is known to cheer her clients on while they navigate the path of life they choose, lifting them up to be the fearless warrior and creator of the life of their own dreams!
Jessica lives her life on the belief that you CAN have everything you’ve ever wanted and dreamed of and it is all within your fingertips… sometimes you just need a little coaching and the faith to get there.