Sacred Circle Tarot School
Beginner to Advanced Levels of Study and Mentorship within an Exclusive Sacred Circle Community
Sacred Circle Tarot School is a sacred and private community to learn the art and magick of tarot deeply and intensively.
Each enrolled student will receive access to attend virtual classes/videos as well as the space to meet, gather, and make friends with other fellow students and tarot enthusiasts!
Tuition: Basic enrollment is a flat $195. Price includes all pre-recorded course videos and replays of live chat sessions, access to your sessions' private circle. It is an additional $35 monthly fee to gain access to watch and actively participate in the private live chat conversations circles every Tuesday at 7pm EST.
Semester Dates: Semester dates are open for those to join. Live chat sessions with Jess are during Tarot Talk lives every Tuesday from 7 pm- 8:00pm EST.
Chat Access: Exclusive access to live chat sessions along with the group and with Jess is available to students enrolled students in the SCTS with the added monthly live chat option. Please take advantage of this! The more you engage the more you will learn and everyone benefits when you ask your questions! Without the monthly live chat option students will be able to rewatch the live sessions on Wednesday after the videos have been uploaded.
Materials Needed: A notebook/tarot journal exclusively designated for the Sacred Circle Tarot School with writing utensil, laptop or computer with internet access, a working email. Tarot cards are not required but are absolutely recommended. The Rider Waite tarot deck will be used to teach and will help students learn along.
Your ability to Master Numerology, Esoteric Symbolism found in the tarot but also in our world
The Study of Astrological Cycles and Planetary Energies and How they Influence the Tarot
Your Ability to Strengthen your Own Unique Intuitive Gifts
The ability to make connections and Build lasting friendships with Likeminded souls In a Protected and Safe Virtual Environment
Spiritual Guidance and Healing that Extends deeper than Just the Tarot
Resources to help you Create and Maintain A successful Tarot Business is You Choose
along with the Intensive Study of Each of the cards Meanings, Messages and Symbolism
Classes will be held online to allow all students to have access to courses no matter how busy or crazy their schedules are. This is perfect for International students, those in different time zones, or people with complex or changing schedules.
Students enrolled will have access to exclusive live chat replays. It is an additional $35 to join in and actively participate in Tuesday's Live Chat sessions. Oftentimes questions asked by students will receive filmed responses or will be held in the next live chat session shared with the Sacred Circle group so all can benefit from information being shared!
All courses will be filmed in advance and will remain for you to revisit, rewatch and ask questions.
Sacred Circle Tarot School space is LIMITED.
Once class space is filled enrollment will close and future students will need to wait until next semester to reserve their spot.
Join the Sacred Circle Tarot School
Enrollment for the Sacred Circle Tarot School Has Reopened fo 2020-2021