Flowers and Herbs

Flowers and Herbs
Flower and Herb Bundles
Use to dress your candles, your altar space, in the bath, or to create in your own oils.
Herbs/Flower Properties:
Rose- (planet: Venus; Feminine, Water): Amazing for love of ALL kinds (self-love, romantic love, etc.!), beauty, abundance, attraction!
Calendula: (Planet: Sun; Masculine, Fire): Protection, success, honoring the death/old, easing transformation, attraction of success and admiration.
Lavender: (Planet: Mercury; Masculine, Air): Brings peace & tranquility, protection, eases sleep, eases worry, removes stress, used to attraction men, healing, and bringing prophetic dreams (especially if mixed with mugwort).
Jasmine Flowers: (Planet: Moon; Feminine, Water): Excellent for attraction & beauty, spiritual love; known to bring abundance and sweet wealth & security to those who carry or wear!
Red Clover Blossom: (Planet: Mercury; Masculine, Air): Brings luck, money, abundance, and good vibes! In love relationships: fidelity. Red Clover speeds this up and empowers the magic of the clover blossom.
Chicory Root: (Planet: Sun; Masculine; Air): Removes obstacles and blocks, a natural and powerful 'door opener' and opportunity paver! Makes the wearer 'invisible'.
Hibiscus Flowers: (Planet: Venus, Feminine, Water): Strong attraction, builds beauty and love. Increases lust and attraction powerfully! Blend with rose for a balanced love or beauty spell!
Juniper Berry: (Planet: Sun, Masculine, Fire): Works to protect against bad vibes and people; strengthens and empowers those who wear or use juniper.
Linden Leaf: (Planet: Jupiter; Masculine Air): Brings luck and protection! In love spells brings long lasting love! Paired with lavender brings peaceful sleep :)
Echinacea: Used to strengthen the user/wearer and the oil! Works for healing, protection!
Lovage: (Planet: Sun, Sign: Taurus)- Used to increase beauty, love, abundance! Protects relationships! Excellent for beauty, glamour, and love spells or bath soaks!
Ashwagandha: - Considered the "elixir of life!" Provides strength, protection, longevity! Empowers the person using/wearing or the oil! Brings confidence, focus, wisdom!
Frankincense Tears- Healing, blessing, purification!
Peony Root: Brings instant good luck! Marriage, beauty, blessing, protection, abundance!
Chamomile- Healing, relaxation, sleep
Wormwood- Clairvoyance, Protection, Divination, Banishing, Calling Spirits/Guides
Life Everlasting- Health, safety, longevity, protection!
Hawthorne Berries- fertility, abundance, blessing
Burdock Root: protection, breaking curses, cleansing, purging and releasing
Catnip: Attraction, excellent for use in love spells
Holy Basil Leaf: brings peace after fights/conflict, eases tension, attracts and protects lovers, protection, money attractant
Moringa Leaf: comes from “the tree of life” ; powerful herb for protection, health, healing, restores energy
Mullein Leaf: Courage, protection, nightmare relief, banishes negativity
Orange Peel: attraction, beauty, love, abundance
Papaya Leaf: used for removing toxic or negative energy, protects relationships, works well with goddess energy
Skullcap: excellent for dream or sleep work, calming, anti- anxiety, powerful energy restorative, brings faithfulness to relationships, attracting money and security.
Always the highest quality, organic, vegan, and earth friendly!
Comes in 1 oz sizes. For larger bags or orders please email
Wholesale Herbs Available
Restock your shop or home with the highest quality of herbs!