Powerful magnetic attractors and essentials in hoodoo. Used to draw money towards you or use two (male and female matches) in order to strongly attract love.
Lodestone Spell Work
The lodestone is amazing for drawing good luck and specific intentions towards you as well as pulling illness and imbalance out of your body. Here are my favorite rituals and spellwork to help you work with your lodestone!
Lodestone Love Spell- General
a pair of lodestones (male and female)
Dress your lodestone pair with the Follow Me Boy Intention Oil . Place in a red mojo bag filled with roses, catnip, and a sprinkle of whiskey. Carry in a purse or bag with you.
Lodestone Love Ritual
a pair of lodestones (male and female)
petition (parchment) paper
black fine point sharpie marker
Each of the lodestones will represent you and your love partner. Annoint the lodestone that represents your partner with the Love Spell Intention oil mentioned above in the materials you will need to work your magick. Think of the image of person your heart desires, or you can think of the way you will feel when you meet this person and are in love with them. When you are done visualizing (take as much time as you want!) sprinkle catnip and roses over the lodestone representing your partner. Spray your perfume/cologne or a scent that represents you onto the lodestone that represents your energy. Then, write the intention you want for the partnership on the petition paper. Fold it three times towards you a nd tuck it under the fixed love candle. Place both lodestones at the base of the fixed candle, a short distance apart from each other. Light the candle when you are ready every day. Every single time you relight the candle bring the lodestones closer together, until on the final day they are touching. When the candle has been fully burned down and the lodestones are touching safely dispose the candle. Place the petition you wrote for the relationship into an envelope and tuck in a safe place where it will be left undisturbed. Feed your lodestones magnetic sand and carry on you.
Lodestone for Drawing in Financial Security and Resources
single lodestone
magnetic sand
a handful of coins
a mojo bag
Herbs: basil, cinnamon
Anoint the lodestone with the Money and Abundance Intention Oil while you visualize the intentions for your business or money goal. Place the lodestone into the jar. Sprinkle magnetic sand over the stone and add a handful of coins. Allow it to rest for 3 days. After the third day, add the lodestone to your mojo bag along with some of the coins, the magnetic sand, basil leaf, and cinnamon herb.
Healing Lodestone Ritual
single lodestone
Anoint your lodestone with the All Healing Infusion Oil while citing Psalm 6:2-4. Light your Healing Waters fixed candle. Pass the lodestone over the part of your body that is hurting you while focusing on the pain leaving the body and absorbing into the lodestone. Do this daily for 7 days, even after the pain begins to fade away. Continue to pass your lodestone over your body if any pain resurfaces. On the night of the next full moon place the stone in the moonlight (if it is visual) or leave it in a place overnight where the stone can absorb the ailment out of its body. The next day place the lodestone in a white mojo bag along with magnetic sand and a petition for continued protection and healing.