Virgo Lunar Intention Oil

Virgo Lunar Intention Oil
The Virgo Lunar intent oil is for created to use for magick that involves opening new doors in your life, moving with sharper discernment, improving health and daily rituals and routine, and balance. However, you can set custom intentions for whatever you are needing to manifest at the time of this moon.
Lunar Intent (or conjure) oils are created the night of a full or new moon. Jess examines the astrology chart, selects a special blend of herbs and oils to work with the energy, and sets intention over them to compliment the vibe that that moon brings for that moment. The end result is a unique bottle charged for you to work your magick via candles, daily use, anointing, etc.!
Instructions for how to use your oil can be found here, including a detailed video on how to write powerful petitions!
This oil is available to be customized if you need to adjust this bottle to match your specific needs or if you there is something special you are wishing to manifest for this moon.
Please leave your unique intent in the note box that is included in your order and Jess will adjust and work her magick to adjust it to help you manifest your intention.
Remember- your heart, emotion, and focus is incredibly important when it comes to setting intention! When you include your note stay focused, feel your desire manifesting as you write, and leave it to the universe to deliver when you hit the “Send” button!
Happy Manifesting!