"THE BUILD UP"- Astro + Intuitive Forecast for August 28th- Sept 3rd
Astro + Intuitive Forecast
August 28- Sept 3rd
"It Ain't Easy..." Moon Is Challenged- August 28th- August 30th
This week starts a little tough and rough while the moon moves slowly through the sign of Sagittarius and Capricorn. After the excitement of last week’s Leo eclipse its tough to transition into the murkier waters that the moon finds herself moving through the beginning of this week.
For starters, on Monday the Moon meets with Saturn who challenges her natural inclinations as she moves through Sagittarius. She wants to be optimistic and have fun… but she struggles with Saturn’s seriousness. We can feel this on Monday and Tuesday with feelings of isolation, depression or sadness, or just low energy in general. The things that we would normally feel excited about maybe don’t excite us nearly as much as they normally would. This is okay and the feeling is valid but also temporary. For this, self-care and self-help are essential. You will want to put yourself first in taking care of your own needs and taking frequent breaks while handling your many obligations and commitments. Don’t be afraid to let others know that you may need your space or time to simply relax or catch your breath.
The day after that the Moon meets with Pluto- the planet that rules death, destruction, and rebirth. This may sound terrifying initially but basically what this brings to us are feelings that may be powerful or intense. The energy at the start of this week is pretty heavy and this obviously ripples outwards with this transits. I can see many people having much needed heart to heart conversations, feeling the need to purge and release anything that may have bubbled up during the eclipse and Saturn’s connect with the moon, etc.
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Do Not Pass Go... Not Yet! Mercury's Influence
Mercury is still retrograde this week- at least until the 5th of September- so some of you may be frustrated with delays that may surface with this even with the past Leo eclipse working to open doors and bring opportunity towards you. I say wait until after Mercury goes direct to really begin t see movement and changes happening… especially with Mercury moving into the sign of Leo on the 31st! This shines a beam of light on old ideas, thoughts that may have been swept under the rug or overlooked, etc and can bring much-needed attention your way with your creative projects, relationships, and work! Mercury retrograde works wonderfully on your behalf to bring those innovative ideas back to focus… especially with Uranus (the planet that rules innovative thought) bringing its energy into the mix!
On the 2nd, Mars and connects with Uranus and you will feel energy returning back to you at an all time high! With this, I want to warn you not to be too impulsive or reckless- this energy wants to shoot forward but remember, Mercury Rx is warning you to slow down!
Channeling this energy into constructive brainstorming sessions, making plans, reaching out and contacting important contacts is ideal… but let the discussions build up before you try and cement anything permanently.
On the 3rd, Mercury also meets with Mars (the planet that rules action and drive!) so the impulse and need to push forward is definitely there but the best way to work with this vibe is to plan and build versus make permanent lasting decisions!
Tarot Message: Sun and 3 of Pentacles
Normally the sun card brings messages of watching and building your happiness, spending time with family and friends, and focusing on joy but here I see this as a message to watch the transit of the sun and how its movement works to bring your opportunity! For many, I see the upcoming Pisces eclipse bringing blessings and working to carry out what the Leo eclipse has started..