As Mercury Retrograde turns direct Saturn and Pluto flip their rotations this week! So much of the universe is asking us to slow and steady our pace instead of plowing through always and all the time. This is a part of the process of learning balance in ALL areas of our lives.
This week we start strong with the Aries New Moon moving us into position like a bow and arrow. Uranus (the planet of unexpected surprises) was sitting almost directly under this new moon pushing us to listen to our hunches and take to take the leap of faith or at least try something new. Independence is highlighted in your life- having the freedom to create, feel, move as you chose. Areas that hold you back for worse will soon crumble as Uranus brings fresh energy while Saturn retrograde breaks down the old spots of our life that don't serve us or have been holding us down.
Saturn works to break down and weaken areas that we do not want (whether we realize it or not!) in our lives forever. If you have been working hard this is the chance to slow down for a moment and let the universe carry the rest of the burden. When you see things begin to break down it is NOT because you haven't done enough already but because those areas are actually weak and no longer need your full commitment. Let this process of elimination happen so that you're not wasting your resources and energy!
On the 22nd, Pluto (the planet of death and transformation) will also turn retrograde. Pluto will also work to cleanse all weakness of sickness in your life. This is another chance to take your hands off and focus on your own healing- restorative practices and be open to transformation- what Pluto is known for!
To top it all off, it's important that I mention Venus opposing Jupiter on the 17th. This can make us feel lazy and want to take shortcuts. Don't overindulge or deviate from what you need to do to take care of yourself! Saturn retrograde simply won't allow it!
On the 20th the sun moves into Taurus to slow and steady or progress further. This transit is hardworking but also knows not to overdo it- something all of us can benefit from lately. Work hard, work your hours, but then at the end of the day kick your feet up and relax!
Finances can build, slowly and surely as well. Focus on building your savings and planning for future investing (just wait for Saturn to turn direct first before making huge payments!
Death and 6 of Swords- stay open and flexible to this cosmic release and stripping! It may not look like it now but there are better days just on the horizon that are a direct result of the fertile ground you are creating by letting the dead/old/weak go!
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