Happy New Moon in Libra!
Happy Libra New Moon, solar beams!
The majority of the personal planets (Sun, moon, mars, mercury) are currently gathered in the sign of Libra, the sign that rules harmonious alignment and balance.
The new moon has dug a fertile hole deep enough for you to plant the seeds of intention, especially after a full year (or more, for a lot of you!) of working on ending vicious troublesome cycles within your life.
What does this mean for you, cosmic babe?
This means that starting today the intentions and blessing that you speak and are inspired to manifest in your life now are door opening portals to a totally new experience, life style, outcome.
Regardless of the “failures” or lessons of the past you are guided to wash yourself clean of that and allow yourself to sink deep into the bath of this new cycle. Pluto and Saturn respond to this signal of shifts and will turn direct. As the heaviest planets in our solar system the weight and pressure they’ve been pushing on you has been tremendous but also a massive catalyst of change.
You were guided to be patient, flexible, gentle with yourself as you transformed- similar to a butterfly emerging from it’s cocoon.
It is painful, yes but so necessary.
Do not take the past with you.
Reflect, of course.
But do not expect the same outcomes if you yourself have changed, your energy has shifted, your aura has brightened.
Your lessons have served their purpose and you are now guided to take only the lesson with you as a form of protection and wisdom that adds value to your time here on Earth.
Expect great things.
Manifest great things!
Know that there truly are likeminded souls, experiences, purposes, destinies that are a phenomenal match for you and be OPEN to receiving that, without limiting doubt or hesitations!
The new moon’s full message is up for you now on @behatilife YouTube.
Also I’ll be working my magick tonight for the Libra new Moon- custom intention oils and fixed candles for you and the magical intentions you are infusing in your life!
Head to BehatiLife.com/shop to reserve your bottle and place your orders.