Angel Squad Goals- You Have The Dream Team on Your Side!

Yummy vegetarian breakfast bagel with oracle cards makes for the perfect morning! Β 

Yummy vegetarian breakfast bagel with oracle cards makes for the perfect morning! Β 



1.) You have a team of angels & guides that are here to help you! #TheRealDreamTeam

2.) They step forward when you give them permission!

3.) They can bring info/messages (say "yes" to clarity!), redirect stagnant routes, protect & guide, work out blessings, positively influence things, and more!



β€’ ASK FOR HELP... even if you don't need it ;) Either way, the energy they put in ensures a super positive outcome- why do it alone when you have the dream team?!


β€’ LEAVE IT OPEN... this means you don't need to demand a certain outcome, as much as it is desired! You have noooo idea what goodness the universe/the Divine has in store for you so opening up to being MOVED to the best outcome is one of the best things you can do!


β€’ SAY THANK YOU! For real, everyone loves to be acknowledged and your guides and angels are no exception! Say thank you for all of their hard work, time, and attention- honestly gratitude runs through my blood with the awareness that I am being seen, heard, and cared for by such infinitely awesome and loving beings!


Prayer | Meditation | Heart Chakra Work <-- are all encouraged today!

Happy Saturday to you ALL, my loves!

Reading & Interpretation by Jessica of @BehatiLife

Cards Used: @DoreenVirtue Archangel Oracle Cards

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