Tremendous Growth is Here, Beautiful Things Surround You!


I see beautiful things around you... it's true, I do! ⭐️


⚡️⚡️Lately there has been a string of people that I've worked with who are experiencing some serious bouts of turbulence within their lives... like lightening bolts striking that shakes them to their core, making them instinctively draw up in fear & protection. ⚡️🏾

Each story is different but ONE thing remains the same- there was something absolutely BEAUTIFUL growing & developing within their lives despite ALL the outside noise and chaos!

Another thing they each had in common was an energy of PROTECTION. 🏾🏾

Whether it be their own Angels or guides, ancestors or the strength of their OWN spirit- each of these people were VERY obviously protected... and on top of that although they may FEEL timid or shook up, within them lies an incredible WARRIOR SPIRIT⚡️, that of a gifted man or woman who when focused & grounded could shake the EARTH with their determination and is a force to be reckoned with! 🏾

In the moment, they felt frozen in fear or uncertainty but REALLY behind that thin veil is a strong spirit unlike ANY other! 🏾️⚡️

That is us ALL lately- globally, personally- there is tremendous GROWTH here.

It is painful just as much as it is beautiful but guess what... you'll get through this and glowwww in all of your glory!

FEEL for the moment now what you feel... that is normal... but DON'T GIVE UP, BACK DOWN, Or stay DOWN for too long! 🏾🏾🏾🏾

There is something beautiful here developing around you... you feel it in your core (don't you?!) and you've reached the moment of perfect timing and transition!⚡️🏾

If you need help or a reminder, I am here- you know where to find me! ️🏾

Love love and light to you all!


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