YOUR REGENERATION- Weekly Forecast šŸ¦‹

This week is a balm to ease and anoint the areas that were the highlight of friction or tension in your life last week.

Most of us were tested as the planetsā€™ sharp edges jabbed into our sides with the purpose of teaching us to stretch further that we thought we could go, to test limits, and revamp old rules or boundaries that weā€™ve aged out of or outgrown.


This week the planets have eased back and the energy that they bring is completely different as itā€™s more supportive of healing, comfort, problem solving, and supportive building versus the intensity that breakdowns and breakthoughs can bring.


If you are feeling worn down, ill, tired, low energy this week- honor that. You might not even realized the stress that you body and mind has been taking on. If you have been focusing on self-care and feel filled this is a testament to how much youā€™ve already learned to pace yourself and it is serving you now!


Starting on Monday, there is a soft pull of attraction that youā€™ll begin to feel this week. Venus (attraction, beauty, love) and Mars (action, ambition) are in a sweet sextile. Looking at the chart the visual I get is the same that I feel when a soft breeze carries a scent of flowers on the air. Some of you will decide to follow that scent and it will lead  to something, someone, or somewhere specialā€¦ others will not stop and keep moving forward. There is no right or wrong choice but the universe loves to give us at least the option to be pleasantly surprised.

Letā€™s say these transits activate your 12th house of seclusion- you can find yourself feeling drawn to visit a spa or healing center to disconnect from the world and your thoughts using physical touch (massage) to recenter yourSelf again.

Maybe it activates your 6th house of daily hygiene, pets and dietā€¦ you can find yourself pulling away from your desk to pack up healthy snacks and head to the dog beach with your pup or to the backyard to lounge in the sun. The ā€˜scentā€™ of what attracts you will be different for everyone but it will be there :)

The 15th, Venus moves into Taurus, one of the most sensual signs of the zodiac. Work your hours but afterwards disconnect by taking long walks to ground and center yourself. Come back down to earth, get your head out of the clouds, toss away ā€˜worse case scenarioā€™ thinking.

Some problems have a way of fixing themselves and if youā€™ve done all that you can than that is all that you can do. Your efforts are working to bring stability and structure into your life- especially your work/career and personal one on one relationships- but also give things space to fall together. Let people choose their destiny and give yourself the space to choose yours.

Speak slow, clearly, and from the heart as Mercury and Neptune will give you that extra intuitive sight to hear and understand others intentions and read between the lines. Sometimes itā€™s not what someone says but what theyā€™re not saying and even how they say it. Neptune rules this gift of energy sensitivity so we all benefit.

You can also use this energy for meditation, connecting with your guides and angels (ask them for their support and inspiration and you will receive it!).

The other thing that I see is forgiveness. None of us are perfect and compassion, understanding and forgiveness works like a balm this week. Use this for yourSelf- so many of us are working on forgiving ourselves for not being perfect, or making mistakes, or having regret.

ā€œI wish I would have done this differently.ā€

Well, my love... it is now that you know and because of that past moment you have learned. Life doesnā€™t require perfection but it does ask you to try and challenges are guaranteed as long as you are still living and breathing! If you are to be human then you are destined to make mistakes and learn. Forgive yourself for not knowing what you know now.

For others, I see so many giving your best Self through the act of service or forgiveness. You donā€™t need to allow others behavior that you donā€™t agree with back into your life if you feel it doesnā€™t serve you. But by forgiving them- really forgiving them- you release the weight of the burden that your heart carries by holding on to the things that have made you suffer.

Earth and Water signs are feeling this the most this week but all of us will see aspects of regeneration & renewal (within yourself and even your relationships with others) begin to spark and grow starting the 18th and the days to follow. This is because we have the Scorpio Full Moon, which tends to be highly emotional but this time there is so much loving support vibrating off of the planets right now to heal us here on earth! We so need this.

Recovery, restoration, rediscovery are the words that I hear for this moon. Itā€™s like we severed off toxic or infected areas of our lives and new limbs are growing back, stronger.

Thank goodness for this growth, no matter how painful it may have been!

In the meantime, take care of yourselves babes! I learned so much this last month personally and professionally and I wouldnā€™t change a thing! Iā€™m reflecting on that now as I sit at this rest stop under the trees with Franklin, my pup.

Sending you each of my love,



Our animals are the perfect mentors for mindfulness :) 



Deck: Notes from the Universe on Love & Connection by Mike Dooley