DAILY TAROT- Knight of Cups & 9 of Cups- EXPRESS YOUR HEART
Knight of Cups & Nine of Cups
It will truly be hard to hold back from fully expressing your feelings& thoughts today with Knight of Cups (heightened emotion) & Moon (emotion) conjoining with Pluto (transformation)!!
Knight of Cups moves from the pull of his sweet & sensitive heart, taking risks for the sake of love!
Astrologically & energetically what you have here today is the PUSH forward to act upon your impulse... most likely expressing something that has been building up emotionally for a little while now...
Looking at the 9 of cups the first thing I think is this question:
"What would truly fulfill & complete the picture of my life? If I could have or be anything- what would it be?"
Asking yourself this honestly allows you to put it (life!) ALL back into perspective instead of feeling like you're aimlessly floating around waiting for life to happen TO you!
Venus currently moving through Pisces is strong & idealistic- a perfect mirror to the Knight of Cups' vibration while Sun in Aries continues to push you to be BRAVE & BOLD (whether you are comfortable feeling this or not!) & fuels you with the energy & motivation to make a move & get things DONE!
- There is an INFINITE source of love and light within me!
- I am bold & brave in the steps towards the path of what I want my life to look, feel, and be like!
- I ALLOW myself to express my most brilliant & creative side!
- I TRUST and do not try and run faster than life or attempt to speed up time to rush to my desired end outcome. (YESSSS!!!)
- I trust the magic of each moment and am grateful for them- they are the building blocks and lead up to all that is to come!
- My heart is FILLED and I can FLOURISH!
- I choose now to live for ME and do NOT need the approval or co-signature of others to do what is best for me and to live my most authentic life!
Channeled message from the Divine meant to meet you now….